Statistics & Research about Bethel,VT - Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Here are some statistics & research about Bethel,VT an area served by Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Phone : 802-234-5188

Real estate research for area nearby Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brandon 162,000 667 4.9
North Hartland 120,800 2001 19.9
Warren 257,100 950 4.4
Orange County 184,900 800 5.2
Addison County 235,500 877 4.5
Proctor 160,900 807 6.0
Woodstock 374,500 1033 3.3
Plainfield 303,700 1393 5.5
South Royalton 164,700 803 5.9
Ira 181,300 738 4.9

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Brandon 264
Warren 357
Orange County 1458
Addison County 1861
Proctor 77
Woodstock 131
Plainfield 23
South Royalton 188
Ira 7
Roxbury 68
New Haven 41
Orange 33
Washington County 3464

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Brandon 162000
Warren 240300
Orange County 202500
Addison County 237000
Proctor 162500
Woodstock 350000
Plainfield 250000
Ira 200000
Roxbury 225000
New Haven 288600
Orange 173200
Washington County 229100

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Brandon 205000
Warren 202100
Orange County 160600
Addison County 206700
Proctor 179800
Woodstock 315800
Plainfield 270800
Ira 118800
New Haven 144600
Orange 114300
Washington County 181300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Washburn And Wilson Agency Incorporated

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Brandon 137500
Warren 289700
Orange County 171200
Addison County 256900
Proctor 165600
Woodstock 350000
Plainfield 492500
Ira 117500
Roxbury 123200
New Haven 273800
Orange 139400
Washington County 263300