Melcher & Prescott Insurance
About : We represent over 20 insurance carriers in order to deliver a wide range of choices and insurance that is right for you.
Description : The Melcher and Prescott Insurance Agency, a locally owned, general lines independent insurance agency/broker, is comprised of five offices in Laconia, Plymouth, Meredith, Moultonboro and Chocorua. Each office is staffed by professionally trained and licensed personnel.
426 Main Street, Laconia, NH 3246
Phone: (603)259-4459
Distance: 6.6 Miles
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Do you need help deciding what your individual health insurance options are? With our online tool you can check subsidy eligibility, quote and compare all available plans as well as enroll either on or off the exchange.
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*Frequently Asked Question*
I have been hired to do some work at a construction site, and a condition of starting work is providing a certificate of insurance. What is that, exactly?.