Statistics & Research about Belfast,ME - The One Maine Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Belfast,ME an area served by The One Maine Insurance Llc

Phone : 207-338-1360

Car dealers nearby The One Maine Insurance Llc

Flaggs Garage


Real estate research for area nearby The One Maine Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Orland 171,200 645 4.5
Newburgh 157,500 633 4.8
Holden 178,000 552 3.7
Monroe 154,200 832 6.5
Lincolnville 212,200 929 5.3
Swanville 124,500 874 8.4
Morrill 158,000 684 5.2
Unity 138,800 579 5.0
Blue Hill 212,000 812 4.6
Waldoboro 142,300 886 7.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by The One Maine Insurance Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Orland 481
Newburgh 211
Holden 498
Monroe 114
Lincolnville 458
Swanville 255
Morrill 102
Unity 352
Blue Hill 421
Waldoboro 870
Brewer 1320
Hampden 773
Belfast 1247
Stockton Springs 178
Freedom 115

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The One Maine Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Orland 260700
Newburgh 164100
Holden 245100
Monroe 157800
Lincolnville 203100
Swanville 135700
Morrill 151800
Unity 125000
Blue Hill 393800
Waldoboro 128100
Brewer 244400
Hampden 242900
Belfast 246300
Stockton Springs 314300
Freedom 137500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The One Maine Insurance Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Orland 15
Newburgh 23
Holden 39
Monroe 12
Lincolnville 46
Swanville 13
Morrill 16
Unity 61
Blue Hill 100
Waldoboro 59
Brewer 125
Hampden 217
Belfast 71
Stockton Springs 65
Freedom 14

Number of blacks in places near by The One Maine Insurance Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Newburgh 3
Holden 74
Unity 17
Blue Hill 4
Waldoboro 3
Brewer 34
Hampden 55
Belfast 6
Freedom 3