Statistics & Research about Farmington,ME - The Kyes Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Farmington,ME an area served by The Kyes Agency Inc

Phone : 207-778-9862

Car dealers nearby The Kyes Agency Inc

Franklin Chrysler

Franklin Chrysler, 484 Wilton Road , Farmington, ME , 04938 , Sales: (888) 780-0974Service: (888) 235-4783Parts: (888) 324-9203
Phone: (888) 780-0974

Real estate research for area nearby The Kyes Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Phillips 114,000 730 7.7
Industry 143,800 559 4.7
Waterville 115,000 621 6.5
Smithfield 139,600 488 4.2
Byron 95000 NA NA
Wayne 187,500 861 5.5
East Central Franklin 185,700 830 5.4
Canton 99,400 439 5.3
Highland 142200 NA NA
Temple 128,600 955 8.9

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Kyes Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Phillips 267
Industry 262
Waterville 854
Smithfield 251
Byron 182
Wayne 390
East Central Franklin 286
Canton 66
Highland 20
Temple 87
Cornville 102
Milton 25
Solon 125
Peru 239
New Vineyard 207

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by The Kyes Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Phillips 195800
Industry 78300
Waterville 117500
Smithfield 130400
Wayne 167500
East Central Franklin 96700
Canton 125000
Temple 104200
Cornville 100000
Solon 82100
Peru 95800
New Vineyard 137500

Number of new houses in places near by The Kyes Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Phillips 127500
Smithfield 167500
Solon 135000

Number of blacks in places near by The Kyes Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Phillips 9
Waterville 494
New Vineyard 1