About : Insuring Vermonters with Vermont companies for over 40 years!
Description : Kinney Insurance Agency is a family owned independent insurance agency serving Vermont with office locations in South Hero, Milton, and St. Albans (Formerly Nye Insurance).
We offer insurance for Auto, Home, Farm & Mini-Farm, Renters, Boats, Motorcycle, ATV, Snowmobile, Motor Homes, Commercial, Flood, and Workers Compensation.
114 Upper Welden St St.Ā Albans, Saint Albans, VT 5478
Distance: 9.9 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Local Farmers Markets are great ways to get out, buy fresh produce, and support your local farmers! http://buff.ly/1utQOlM.
Looking for some tips on saving money for that back to school shopping? http:\/\/lifehacker.com\/my-family-s-strategies-for-saving-during-back-to-school-1784489894.
St. Albans friends please see the following message from the Citys public works dept:
Due to the extreme temperatures, all users on the City water system are strongly advised to take the following precaution to avoid frozen pipes.