Statistics & Research about Waterbury,VT - Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Waterbury,VT an area served by Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Po Box 479

Real estate research for area nearby Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Barre 146,900 756 6.2
Moretown 255,500 893 4.2
Lincoln 251,600 862 4.1
Jeffersonville 205,000 849 5.0
New Haven 264,600 956 4.3
Williamstown 155,500 622 4.8
Northfield 185,600 818 5.3
Huntington 252,900 996 4.7
Roxbury 154,000 1161 9.0
Johnson 162,100 784 5.8

Number of old houses in places near by Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Place name Number of old houses
Barre 139900
Moretown 251700
Lincoln 241100
Jeffersonville 208300
New Haven 272200
Williamstown 178700
Northfield 176300
Huntington 255300
Roxbury 146700
Johnson 155800
Ferrisburgh 294400
Waitsfield 361500
Wolcott 178800
Warren 384100
Cambridge 245800

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Barre 140000
Moretown 315000
Lincoln 282500
Jeffersonville 310000
New Haven 288600
Williamstown 177400
Northfield 201900
Huntington 255400
Roxbury 225000
Johnson 161400
Ferrisburgh 358300
Waitsfield 432700
Wolcott 221200
Warren 240300
Cambridge 256100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Barre 131
Moretown 43
Lincoln 31
New Haven 33
Williamstown 66
Northfield 61
Huntington 18
Roxbury 5
Johnson 67
Ferrisburgh 125
Waitsfield 91
Wolcott 19
Warren 114
Cambridge 86

Number of blacks in places near by Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Place name Number of blacks
Barre 245
New Haven 1
Williamstown 12
Northfield 132
Huntington 17
Johnson 84
Ferrisburgh 13
Waitsfield 3