Statistics & Research about Montpelier,VT - Paige & Campbell Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Montpelier,VT an area served by Paige & Campbell Inc

Phone : 802-229-0563

Car dealers nearby Paige & Campbell Inc

Cody Chevrolet Cadillac

Cody Chevrolet Cadillac, 364 River Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: (802) 552-4574

Petes Auto

Phone: 802-229-9268

Real estate research for area nearby Paige & Campbell Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Huntington 252,900 996 4.7
Calais 250,000 950 4.6
Warren 257,100 950 4.4
Worcester 208,300 1136 6.5
Granville 187,500 937 6.0
Plainfield 193,100 750 4.7
Chittenden County 266,400 1019 4.6
Stowe 392,900 1170 3.6
Jeffersonville 205,000 849 5.0
Hyde Park 178,400 781 5.3

Number of whites in places near by Paige & Campbell Inc

Place name Number of whites
Huntington 1853
Calais 1497
Warren 1448
Worcester 1031
Granville 305
Plainfield 1234
Chittenden County 144836
Stowe 4190
Jeffersonville 682
Hyde Park 2873
Ripton 517
Bristol 3778
Wheelock 701
Morrisville 1923
Fayston 1080

Number of old houses in places near by Paige & Campbell Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Huntington 255300
Calais 256300
Warren 384100
Worcester 205600
Granville 222200
Plainfield 195000
Chittenden County 253800
Stowe 631300
Jeffersonville 208300
Hyde Park 217200
Ripton 263300
Bristol 209700
Wheelock 112500
Morrisville 188900
Fayston 241700

Number of vacant houses in places near by Paige & Campbell Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Huntington 91
Calais 166
Warren 1683
Worcester 28
Granville 105
Plainfield 70
Chittenden County 3446
Stowe 1552
Jeffersonville 37
Hyde Park 105
Ripton 106
Bristol 132
Wheelock 150
Morrisville 105
Fayston 625

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Paige & Campbell Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Huntington 230800
Calais 216700
Warren 202100
Worcester 212500
Granville 90000
Plainfield 250000
Chittenden County 246300
Stowe 281100
Jeffersonville 210000
Hyde Park 156300
Bristol 203800
Morrisville 196400
Fayston 225000