Statistics & Research about Londonderry,NH - Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Londonderry,NH an area served by Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : (603) 432-3883

Car dealers nearby Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Emerald Isle Auto Sales

Phone: (603) 434-5005

Real estate research for area nearby Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Greenland 391,400 1263 3.9
Pinardville 203,400 1011 6.0
Windham 375,200 1673 5.4
Nottingham 285,100 1189 5.0
Pepperell 327,300 1144 4.2
Lynnfield 546,600 1206 2.6
East Merrimack 204,100 1154 6.8
Boxford 598,700 2001 4.0
North Reading 422,100 1375 3.9
Concord 222,900 937 5.0

Number of whites in places near by Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Greenland 3484
Pinardville 3821
Windham 12843
Nottingham 4621
Pepperell 11076
Lynnfield 10920
East Merrimack 3704
Boxford 7782
North Reading 14034
Concord 39762
Harvard 5640
Auburn 4819
Lawrence 26145
Deerfield 4265
Georgetown 8018

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Greenland 77
Pinardville 437
Windham 160
Nottingham 137
Pepperell 348
Lynnfield 212
East Merrimack 343
Boxford 39
North Reading 518
Concord 3310
Harvard 104
Auburn 80
Lawrence 4260
Deerfield 111
Georgetown 249

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Greenland 547
Pinardville 449
Windham 1821
Nottingham 1201
Pepperell 1895
Lynnfield 1441
East Merrimack 498
Boxford 803
North Reading 2152
Concord 5693
Harvard 759
Auburn 1090
Lawrence 11168
Deerfield 946
Georgetown 1132

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Obrey Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Greenland 695000
Pinardville 238900
Windham 458900
Nottingham 273700
Pepperell 378300
Lynnfield 802600
East Merrimack 294200
Boxford 820800
North Reading 628900
Concord 241500
Harvard 754700
Auburn 363100
Lawrence 283300
Deerfield 235600
Georgetown 503600