Statistics & Research about Westbrook,ME - Norton Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Westbrook,ME an area served by Norton Insurance

Phone : (207) 856-5500

Car dealers nearby Norton Insurance

Lake Region Imports

Westbrook 4092 (207) 797-9153 Maine
Phone: (207) 797-9153

Real estate research for area nearby Norton Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hiram 151,400 721 5.7
Littlejohn Island 799200 NA NA
Scarborough 311,400 1084 4.2
Buxton 219,500 1035 5.7
Lisbon 133,500 712 6.4
Brunswick 218,000 836 4.6
Cumberland County 243,900 918 4.5
Cumberland 346,900 1172 4.1
Yarmouth 348,800 980 3.4
Gray 224,500 885 4.7

Number of old houses in places near by Norton Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
Hiram 138500
Scarborough 244200
Buxton 306000
Lisbon 110500
Brunswick 254100
Cumberland County 251500
Cumberland 400000
Yarmouth 386500
Gray 216900
Cornish 181800
Cumberland Center 288900
Long Island 297100
Parsonsfield 163200

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Norton Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hiram 122
Scarborough 577
Buxton 338
Lisbon 358
Brunswick 1095
Cumberland County 17558
Cumberland 122
Yarmouth 194
Gray 285
Cornish 72
Cumberland Center 52
Lake Arrowhead 131
Long Island 63
Parsonsfield 251

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Norton Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Hiram 159400
Littlejohn Island 355600
Scarborough 312600
Buxton 217100
Lisbon 152400
Brunswick 214300
Cumberland County 245600
Cumberland 312500
Yarmouth 391700
Gray 160000
Cornish 150000
Cumberland Center 242300
Lake Arrowhead 178600
Long Island 210000
Parsonsfield 192900

Number of blacks in places near by Norton Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Hiram 6
Scarborough 176
Buxton 86
Lisbon 29
Brunswick 644
Cumberland County 7397
Yarmouth 14
Gray 84
Lake Arrowhead 2