Statistics & Research about Brunswick,ME - Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Brunswick,ME an area served by Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 207-829-3450

Car dealers nearby Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Morong Brunswick (New)


Lee Cars Nissan Of Topsham


Real estate research for area nearby Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Raymond 265,700 956 4.3
Mechanic Falls 142,300 740 6.2
Lisbon 133,500 712 6.4
Newcastle 277,500 793 3.4
Boothbay Harbor 243,000 756 3.7
Minot 176,800 1105 7.5
Chebeague Island 279,200 647 2.8
Lincoln County 204,500 827 4.9
Southport 411,500 850 2.5
West Bath 207,300 778 4.5

Number of old houses in places near by Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Raymond 220000
Mechanic Falls 131300
Lisbon 110500
Newcastle 313300
Boothbay Harbor 288800
Minot 141100
Chebeague Island 333300
Lincoln County 233800
Southport 485700
West Bath 173400
Scarborough 244200
Phippsburg 386600
Dresden 211600
Pittston 140900

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Raymond 295200
Mechanic Falls 138500
Lisbon 152400
Newcastle 263000
Boothbay Harbor 442900
Minot 152400
Chebeague Island 312500
Lincoln County 180100
Southport 444400
West Bath 198100
Scarborough 312600
Phippsburg 191400
Dresden 170400
Pittston 162100

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Raymond 265800
Mechanic Falls 151000
Lisbon 131900
Newcastle 357100
Boothbay Harbor 252800
Minot 117500
Lincoln County 209600
Southport 272700
West Bath 159600
Scarborough 318300
Phippsburg 327800
Dresden 121400
Pittston 102500

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Norton Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Raymond 452
Mechanic Falls 139
Lisbon 661
Newcastle 187
Boothbay Harbor 424
Minot 217
Chebeague Island 66
Lincoln County 3861
Southport 208
West Bath 175
Scarborough 1894
Phippsburg 193
Dresden 88
Pittston 161