Melcher & Prescott Insurance
About : We represent over 20 insurance carriers in order to deliver a wide range of choices and insurance that is right for you.
Description : The Melcher and Prescott Insurance Agency, a locally owned, general lines independent insurance agency/broker, is comprised of five offices in Laconia, Plymouth, Meredith, Moultonboro and Chocorua. Each office is staffed by professionally trained and licensed personnel.
426 Main Street, Laconia, NH 3246
Phone: (603)259-4459
Distance: 7.4 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
This year the Circle Program "Circle Trot" was able to raise over $8,000 in support of local girls. Terri from our Plymouth office was able to make it a family event.
May Your Holidays be Happy, Healthy and Bright!!!
- Everyone at Melcher & Prescott Insurance.
Save the Date for BOW WOW FEST 2015
WOW Trail.