Statistics & Research about Barre,VT - Mayo Associates

Here are some statistics & research about Barre,VT an area served by Mayo Associates

Phone : 802-476-6631

Car dealers nearby Mayo Associates

Walker Mazda/Volkswagen

Walker Mazda/Volkswagen, 2287 Berlin State Hwy. , Barre, VT , 05641, Sales: 888-363-8753Service: 802-223-3434Parts: 802-223-3434"HIGH PERFORMANCE - LOW PRESSURE"
Phone: 888-363-8753

Walker Volkswagen

2287 Berlin State Hwy. Barre, VT 05641
Phone: (866) 308-6601

Real estate research for area nearby Mayo Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodsville 105,100 735 8.4
Hyde Park 178,400 781 5.3
East Barre 200400 NA NA
Orange 156,000 883 6.8
Rochester 185,900 679 4.4
Sharon 196,000 1042 6.4
Brookfield 216,000 990 5.5
Groton 144,200 455 3.8
Topsham 154,800 1292 10.0
Randolph 183,300 721 4.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Woodsville 106
Hyde Park 318
East Barre 37
Orange 124
Rochester 166
Sharon 152
Brookfield 168
Groton 175
Topsham 138
Randolph 617
Newbury 432
Royalton 376
Richmond 515
Berlin 226
Strafford 153

Number of whites in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of whites
Woodsville 1246
Hyde Park 2873
East Barre 827
Orange 1132
Rochester 921
Sharon 1667
Brookfield 1139
Groton 1005
Topsham 1354
Randolph 4647
Newbury 2162
Royalton 2579
Richmond 3814
Berlin 2653
Strafford 1050

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of vacant houses
Woodsville 88
Hyde Park 105
Orange 80
Rochester 297
Sharon 91
Brookfield 175
Groton 194
Topsham 157
Randolph 376
Newbury 314
Royalton 146
Richmond 37
Berlin 47
Strafford 85

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hyde Park 156300
East Barre 218100
Orange 114300
Rochester 227500
Sharon 178100
Brookfield 275000
Topsham 88300
Randolph 192000
Newbury 98000
Royalton 137500
Richmond 224400
Berlin 10900
Strafford 237500