Statistics & Research about Northfield,VT - Mayo Associates

Here are some statistics & research about Northfield,VT an area served by Mayo Associates

49 Wall St

Real estate research for area nearby Mayo Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Topsham 154,800 1292 10.0
Starksboro 226,900 1039 5.5
Waltham 269,000 893 4.0
Pittsfield 244,900 881 4.3
Ripton 204,500 867 5.1
Bethel 188,500 765 4.9
Websterville 119900 NA NA
Orange 156,000 883 6.8
Lincoln 251,600 862 4.1
Washington 172,300 719 5.0

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Topsham 180400
Starksboro 223800
Waltham 292500
Pittsfield 233800
Ripton 71700
Bethel 198400
Orange 173200
Lincoln 282500
Washington 151800
Chittenden 212500
Cabot 147500
Fairlee 223400
Chelsea 250000
Morrisville 190600

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Topsham 294
Starksboro 327
Waltham 100
Pittsfield 170
Ripton 128
Bethel 455
Websterville 152
Orange 239
Lincoln 264
Washington 245
Chittenden 255
Cabot 283
Fairlee 271
Chelsea 348
Morrisville 381

Number of blacks in places near by Mayo Associates

Place name Number of blacks
Starksboro 2
Waltham 7
Ripton 2
Washington 16
Cabot 2
Fairlee 2
Morrisville 11