Statistics & Research about White River Junction,VT - Mascoma Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about White River Junction,VT an area served by Mascoma Insurance Agency

1011 N MAIN ST STE 4
Phone : (802) 295-3329

Real estate research for area nearby Mascoma Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Charlestown 142,900 666 5.6
Lyme 439,800 917 2.5
White River Junction 188,100 784 5.0
Proctorsville 172,600 753 5.2
Croydon 212,700 1219 6.9
Tunbridge 201,700 985 5.9
West Fairlee 168,300 1007 7.2
Hebron 312,200 843 3.2
North Hartland 120,800 2001 19.9
Hartland 270,700 893 4.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Mascoma Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Charlestown 153
Lyme 153
White River Junction 328
Proctorsville 123
Croydon 134
Tunbridge 210
West Fairlee 105
Hebron 176
Hartland 360
Lebanon 2299
Royalton 376
Claremont 2050
Thetford 334
North Springfield 26

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Mascoma Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lyme 473500
White River Junction 242600
Croydon 311100
Tunbridge 228300
West Fairlee 222700
Hebron 325000
Hartland 312500
Lebanon 317500
Royalton 275000
Claremont 210000
Thetford 223100
North Springfield 326500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mascoma Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Charlestown 169
Lyme 306
White River Junction 469
Proctorsville 115
Croydon 183
Tunbridge 314
West Fairlee 158
Hebron 220
North Hartland 40
Hartland 676
Lebanon 2009
Royalton 517
Claremont 2328
Thetford 606
North Springfield 99

Number of blacks in places near by Mascoma Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Lyme 3
White River Junction 8
Proctorsville 4
Hebron 2
Lebanon 340
Royalton 86
Claremont 40