About : Insuring Vermonters with Vermont companies for over 40 years!
Description : Kinney Insurance Agency is a family owned independent insurance agency serving Vermont with office locations in South Hero, Milton, and St. Albans (Formerly Nye Insurance).
We offer insurance for Auto, Home, Farm & Mini-Farm, Renters, Boats, Motorcycle, ATV, Snowmobile, Motor Homes, Commercial, Flood, and Workers Compensation.
114 Upper Welden St St. Albans, Saint Albans, VT 5478
Distance: 14.3 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Looking good for some sun this weekend! Don't forget to call us to add coverage on any toys you plan to take out of winter storage. Enjoy!.
Looking for some tips on saving money for that back to school shopping? http:\/\/lifehacker.com\/my-family-s-strategies-for-saving-during-back-to-school-1784489894.
Do you have a college-age student headed off to school? He are some great pointers on not falling prey to the lure of easy credit or other scams... That free pizza's probably not truly free :) http:\/\/j.