Statistics & Research about Presque Isle,ME - Insurance Marketing Agencies

Here are some statistics & research about Presque Isle,ME an area served by Insurance Marketing Agencies

40 North St Ste 1 Presque Isle
Presque Isle,ME

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Marketing Agencies

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Limestone 67,100 604 10.8
Portage Lake 163,900 405 3.0
Easton 81,300 636 9.4
Ashland 73,100 573 9.4
Mapleton 124,000 395 3.8
Fort Fairfield 75,200 521 8.3
Mars Hill 121,500 285 2.8
Woodland 84,700 692 9.8
Hamlin 131900 NA NA
Nashville 179,200 500 3.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Marketing Agencies

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Limestone 389
Portage Lake 156
Easton 180
Ashland 233
Mapleton 203
Fort Fairfield 476
Mars Hill 283
Woodland 173
Hamlin 17
Nashville 8
Westfield 83
Washburn 256
Stockholm 40
Central Aroostook 158
Westmanland 30

Number of vacant houses in places near by Insurance Marketing Agencies

Place name Number of vacant houses
Limestone 244
Portage Lake 267
Easton 81
Ashland 194
Mapleton 88
Fort Fairfield 326
Mars Hill 64
Woodland 91
Hamlin 20
Nashville 2
Westfield 9
Washburn 89
Stockholm 34
Central Aroostook 273
Westmanland 90

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Marketing Agencies

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Limestone 382
Portage Lake 89
Easton 242
Ashland 302
Mapleton 415
Fort Fairfield 652
Mars Hill 204
Woodland 240
Hamlin 89
Nashville 13
Westfield 102
Washburn 327
Stockholm 60
Central Aroostook 43
Westmanland 71

Number of blacks in places near by Insurance Marketing Agencies

Place name Number of blacks
Limestone 100
Fort Fairfield 30
Mars Hill 9