Statistics & Research about Falmouth,ME - Holden Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Falmouth,ME an area served by Holden Agency

Phone : 207-781-3519

Real estate research for area nearby Holden Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Otisfield 176,200 1317 9.0
Lisbon 133,500 712 6.4
Old Orchard Beach 206,300 793 4.6
Biddeford 224,200 811 4.3
Windham 231,700 1019 5.3
Littlejohn Island 799200 NA NA
Androscoggin County 156,700 696 5.3
Hiram 151,400 721 5.7
Lyman 230,900 944 4.9
Westbrook 197,100 876 5.3

Number of whites in places near by Holden Agency

Place name Number of whites
Otisfield 1800
Lisbon 8509
Old Orchard Beach 8342
Biddeford 20392
Windham 16375
Littlejohn Island 167
Androscoggin County 100191
Hiram 1724
Lyman 4225
Westbrook 16287
Cumberland 6823
Steep Falls 753
Scarborough 17728
Lisbon Falls 4063
Alfred 2938

Number of vacant houses in places near by Holden Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Otisfield 414
Lisbon 201
Old Orchard Beach 3000
Biddeford 1462
Windham 873
Littlejohn Island 21
Androscoggin County 4954
Hiram 311
Lyman 424
Westbrook 391
Cumberland 144
Steep Falls 52
Scarborough 1002
Lisbon Falls 32
Alfred 173

Number of new houses in places near by Holden Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Windham 284100
Androscoggin County 230400

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Holden Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Otisfield 101
Lisbon 358
Old Orchard Beach 997
Biddeford 1817
Windham 649
Androscoggin County 5558
Hiram 122
Lyman 193
Westbrook 1053
Cumberland 122
Scarborough 577
Lisbon Falls 178
Alfred 122