Statistics & Research about Gorham,ME - Gorham Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Gorham,ME an area served by Gorham Insurance

12 Elm St
Phone : (207)402-3554

Car dealers nearby Gorham Insurance

21st Century Motors Inc

21ST CENTURY MOTORS INC 468 Main St.GORHAM,ME,04038 PH207-839-9200
Phone: 207-839-9200

Real estate research for area nearby Gorham Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waterboro 188,300 1260 8.0
Acton 232,900 1222 6.3
Brunswick 218,000 836 4.6
Bridgton 186,700 672 4.3
Long Island 290,800 958 4.0
New Gloucester 229,000 917 4.8
Otisfield 176,200 1317 9.0
Scarborough 311,400 1084 4.2
Durham 212,000 670 3.8
Steep Falls 164,000 769 5.6

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Gorham Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Waterboro 1565
Acton 706
Brunswick 3430
Bridgton 1780
Long Island 218
New Gloucester 940
Otisfield 479
Scarborough 3330
Durham 730
Steep Falls 198
Harpswell 1785
Milton Mills 9
Brunswick Station 110
Limerick 626
Limington 716

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gorham Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Waterboro 233600
Acton 181300
Brunswick 227000
Bridgton 178500
New Gloucester 265400
Otisfield 124200
Scarborough 318300
Durham 188900
Steep Falls 120700
Harpswell 475000
Limerick 183600
Limington 183900

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Gorham Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Waterboro 195100
Acton 269800
Brunswick 158000
Bridgton 232100
Long Island 235000
New Gloucester 215700
Otisfield 167900
Scarborough 347200
Durham 229700
Steep Falls 179700
Harpswell 409000
Limerick 154500
Limington 202900