Statistics & Research about Boothbay Harbor,ME - Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Here are some statistics & research about Boothbay Harbor,ME an area served by Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

157 Townsend Avenue Po Box 447 Boothbay Harbor
boothbay harbor,ME
Phone : (207)402-3555

Real estate research for area nearby Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Damariscotta 228,400 799 4.2
Farmingdale 154,600 590 4.6
Brunswick 218,000 836 4.6
Woolwich 194,600 693 4.3
Warren 166,200 391 2.8
Waldoboro 142,300 886 7.5
Harpswell 386,700 1143 3.5
Bristol 275,300 1047 4.6
Gardiner 150,100 666 5.3
Phippsburg 237,700 981 5.0

Number of whites in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Place name Number of whites
Damariscotta 2153
Farmingdale 2780
Brunswick 18656
Woolwich 2987
Warren 4603
Waldoboro 5004
Harpswell 4666
Bristol 2731
Gardiner 5606
Phippsburg 2210
Boothbay Harbor 2130
Pownal 1422
Southport 536
Bremen 773
Sabattus 4798

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Damariscotta 346
Farmingdale 524
Brunswick 3027
Woolwich 352
Warren 675
Waldoboro 870
Harpswell 960
Bristol 787
Gardiner 948
Phippsburg 497
Boothbay Harbor 550
Pownal 159
Southport 248
Bremen 217
Sabattus 645

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Damariscotta 234200
Farmingdale 169200
Brunswick 241400
Woolwich 279800
Warren 178300
Waldoboro 128100
Harpswell 412200
Bristol 218800
Gardiner 248700
Phippsburg 272600
Boothbay Harbor 247500
Pownal 304200
Southport 383300
Bremen 312500
Sabattus 134600

Number of blacks in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc-Cherry Valley

Place name Number of blacks
Brunswick 644
Woolwich 44
Warren 40
Waldoboro 3
Bristol 17
Gardiner 47
Phippsburg 6
Boothbay Harbor 4
Bremen 2