Statistics & Research about Caribou,ME - F A Peabody Company

Here are some statistics & research about Caribou,ME an area served by F A Peabody Company

Phone : 207-498-2523

Car dealers nearby F A Peabody Company

Gagnons Auto & Rv Sales Inc

500 Main Street CARIBOU,ME 04736
Phone: (888) 621-8937

Real estate research for area nearby F A Peabody Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Castle Hill 96,400 608 7.6
Nashville 179,200 500 3.3
Wade 86,300 632 8.8
Cyr 132500 NA NA
Perham 87,100 713 9.8
Presque Isle 107,900 605 6.7
Mapleton 124,000 395 3.8
Washburn 84,400 464 6.6
Mars Hill 121,500 285 2.8
Stockholm 68,000 594 10.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Castle Hill 51
Nashville 8
Wade 44
Cyr 12
Perham 62
Presque Isle 1631
Mapleton 203
Washburn 256
Mars Hill 283
Stockholm 40
Blaine 119
Caribou 1167
New Sweden 72
Chapman 56
Easton 180

Number of vacant houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of vacant houses
Castle Hill 25
Nashville 2
Wade 17
Cyr 40
Perham 49
Presque Isle 503
Mapleton 88
Washburn 89
Mars Hill 64
Stockholm 34
Blaine 60
Caribou 292
New Sweden 92
Chapman 22
Easton 81

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Castle Hill 77500
Wade 52500
Perham 80000
Presque Isle 133900
Mapleton 142400
Washburn 87200
Mars Hill 160200
Stockholm 55000
Blaine 73300
Caribou 122700
New Sweden 82900
Chapman 86700
Easton 112500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Castle Hill 91
Nashville 13
Wade 47
Cyr 25
Perham 86
Presque Isle 1592
Mapleton 415
Washburn 327
Mars Hill 204
Stockholm 60
Blaine 119
Caribou 1683
New Sweden 133
Chapman 96
Easton 242