Statistics & Research about Hampden,ME - F A Peabody Company

Here are some statistics & research about Hampden,ME an area served by F A Peabody Company

792 Main Road North
Phone : (207)391-4293

Real estate research for area nearby F A Peabody Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dedham 188,200 1038 6.6
Thorndike 129,600 600 5.6
Corinna 108,500 626 6.9
Northport 189,000 865 5.5
Plymouth 103,400 920 10.7
Stetson 123,600 810 7.9
Greenbush 92,900 663 8.6
Brewer 160,900 735 5.5
Orland 171,200 645 4.5
Hermon 187,900 889 5.7

Number of old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of old houses
Dedham 137500
Thorndike 163500
Corinna 115900
Northport 286500
Plymouth 179200
Stetson 110000
Greenbush 85000
Brewer 142500
Orland 142600
Hermon 112000
Freedom 136500
Waldo County 181500
Hampden 155500
Carmel 101000
Ellsworth 124600

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Thorndike 139600
Corinna 83300
Northport 80800
Plymouth 88800
Stetson 47700
Greenbush 75000
Brewer 164100
Orland 172500
Hermon 69400
Freedom 48300
Waldo County 129100
Hampden 177100
Carmel 79500
Ellsworth 114100

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Dedham 162800
Thorndike 108300
Corinna 76300
Northport 181300
Plymouth 107500
Stetson 160000
Greenbush 102400
Brewer 201100
Orland 168800
Hermon 220400
Freedom 131800
Waldo County 146900
Hampden 171600
Carmel 150300
Ellsworth 178100

Number of blacks in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of blacks
Dedham 6
Thorndike 2
Corinna 10
Greenbush 7
Brewer 34
Hermon 30
Freedom 3
Waldo County 131
Hampden 55
Ellsworth 72