Statistics & Research about Lincoln,ME - F A Peabody Company

Here are some statistics & research about Lincoln,ME an area served by F A Peabody Company

Phone : 207-794-8297

Car dealers nearby F A Peabody Company

Thornton Brothers

Phone: (207) 794-8600

Real estate research for area nearby F A Peabody Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Chester 82,900 504 7.3
Webster 64000 NA NA
Medway 70,400 456 7.8
Edinburg 152900 NA NA
Lakeville 88800 NA NA
Lincoln 119,600 530 5.3
Penobscot Indian Island 68,100 198 3.5
Maxfield 105200 NA NA
Milford 123,800 707 6.9
Medford 125000 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of whites
Chester 379
Webster 64
Medway 1299
Edinburg 122
Lakeville 76
Lincoln 5036
Penobscot Indian Island 118
Maxfield 120
Milford 2901
Medford 204
Macwahoc 61
Lee 1174
Millinocket 4446
Mattawamkeag 892
Passadumkeag 458

Number of vacant houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of vacant houses
Chester 34
Webster 25
Medway 80
Edinburg 15
Lakeville 377
Lincoln 708
Penobscot Indian Island 37
Maxfield 11
Milford 122
Medford 83
Macwahoc 56
Lee 181
Millinocket 331
Mattawamkeag 92
Passadumkeag 43

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Chester 8
Webster 4
Medway 34
Edinburg 2
Lakeville 115
Lincoln 288
Penobscot Indian Island 59
Maxfield 14
Milford 101
Medford 15
Macwahoc 25
Lee 60
Millinocket 255
Mattawamkeag 67
Passadumkeag 25

Number of blacks in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of blacks
Penobscot Indian Island 2
Milford 31
Lee 30
Passadumkeag 7