Statistics & Research about Mars Hill,ME - F A Peabody & Company

Here are some statistics & research about Mars Hill,ME an area served by F A Peabody & Company

Phone : 207-429-9187

Real estate research for area nearby F A Peabody & Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Central Aroostook 168800 NA NA
Presque Isle 107,900 605 6.7
Monticello 88,900 281 3.8
Bridgewater 73,800 383 6.2
Wade 86,300 632 8.8
Limestone 67,100 604 10.8
Masardis 70500 NA NA
Chapman 118,000 532 5.4
Westfield 90,600 356 4.7
Castle Hill 96,400 608 7.6

Number of vacant houses in places near by F A Peabody & Company

Place name Number of vacant houses
Central Aroostook 273
Presque Isle 503
Monticello 85
Bridgewater 75
Wade 17
Limestone 244
Masardis 71
Chapman 22
Westfield 9
Castle Hill 25
Woodland 91
Mapleton 88
Fort Fairfield 326
Hammond 26
Washburn 89

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody & Company

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Presque Isle 151900
Monticello 33800
Bridgewater 95000
Wade 137500
Limestone 82500
Chapman 154200
Westfield 85000
Castle Hill 187500
Woodland 61400
Mapleton 106300
Fort Fairfield 80100
Washburn 80800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by F A Peabody & Company

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Central Aroostook 43
Presque Isle 1592
Monticello 216
Bridgewater 133
Wade 47
Limestone 382
Masardis 69
Chapman 96
Westfield 102
Castle Hill 91
Woodland 240
Mapleton 415
Fort Fairfield 652
Hammond 19
Washburn 327