Statistics & Research about Cornwall,VT - Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Cornwall,VT an area served by Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

1967 ROUTE 74
Phone : 802-385-1189

Real estate research for area nearby Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Starksboro 226,900 1039 5.5
Hancock 131,600 596 5.4
Stockbridge 213,400 759 4.3
Hague 197,200 588 3.6
Goshen 257,800 1042 4.9
Braintree 140,600 789 6.7
Schroon 184,000 643 4.2
Middlebury 227,800 822 4.3
Ripton 204,500 867 5.1
Crown Point 154,800 637 4.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Starksboro 218
Hancock 68
Stockbridge 131
Hague 286
Goshen 33
Braintree 226
Schroon 537
Middlebury 893
Ripton 64
Crown Point 209
Shelburne 461
Dresden 189
Bethel 360
Salisbury 172
West Rutland 262

Number of new houses in places near by Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Stockbridge 333300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Starksboro 223800
Hancock 137500
Stockbridge 263000
Hague 180800
Goshen 366700
Braintree 150000
Schroon 327400
Middlebury 164800
Ripton 71700
Crown Point 125000
Shelburne 360700
Dresden 212500
Bethel 198400
Salisbury 139800
West Rutland 291700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Dewitt Blake Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Starksboro 50
Hancock 9
Stockbridge 53
Hague 129
Goshen 21
Braintree 33
Schroon 89
Middlebury 162
Ripton 16
Crown Point 67
Shelburne 330
Dresden 40
Bethel 75
Salisbury 56
West Rutland 35