Statistics & Research about Manchester Center,VT - Conrad Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Manchester Center,VT an area served by Conrad Insurance Agency

Phone : (802) 362-1311

Real estate research for area nearby Conrad Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Grafton 220,800 930 5.1
Hoosick 144,600 786 6.5
Granville 117,200 625 6.4
Chester 197,700 745 4.5
North Westminster 159,900 488 3.7
Northumberland 196,300 797 4.9
Pawlet 241,200 726 3.6
White Creek 152,900 795 6.2
Bennington County 206,300 796 4.6
Bennington 161,300 749 5.6

Number of whites in places near by Conrad Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Grafton 480
Hoosick 6743
Granville 6535
Chester 3087
North Westminster 360
Northumberland 5014
Pawlet 1505
White Creek 3300
Bennington County 35700
Bennington 14888
Clarendon 2513
Readsboro 799
Ira 449
Hampton 831
Putney 2640

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Conrad Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Grafton 63
Hoosick 489
Granville 466
Chester 268
North Westminster 18
Northumberland 361
Pawlet 133
White Creek 267
Bennington County 3707
Bennington 822
Clarendon 180
Readsboro 78
Ira 32
Hampton 77
Putney 183

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Conrad Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Grafton 295800
Hoosick 205100
Granville 191400
Chester 222700
North Westminster 175000
Northumberland 170800
Pawlet 779400
White Creek 202000
Bennington County 288000
Bennington 245000
Clarendon 219400
Readsboro 241700
Ira 152500
Hampton 162500
Putney 244100

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Conrad Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Grafton 158300
Hoosick 166700
Granville 150600
Chester 187500
Northumberland 223100
Pawlet 305000
White Creek 133500
Bennington County 201800
Bennington 165300
Clarendon 217100
Readsboro 236100
Ira 117500
Hampton 152500
Putney 165400