Statistics & Research about Ellsworth,ME - Clarksville Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Ellsworth,ME an area served by Clarksville Insurance Agency

214 Main St

Car dealers nearby Clarksville Insurance Agency

Moto-Car, Inc

Phone: (207) 667-4592

Real estate research for area nearby Clarksville Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Verona Island 149,400 915 7.3
Milford 123,800 707 6.9
Clifton 155,400 573 4.4
Hampden 168,400 1041 7.4
Glenburn 162,900 839 6.2
Hancock 151,800 1065 8.4
Prospect 148,000 806 6.5
Deer Isle 237,200 732 3.7
Lamoine 223,600 846 4.5
Gouldsboro 195,400 578 3.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Clarksville Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Verona Island 104
Milford 550
Clifton 127
Hampden 773
Glenburn 536
Hancock 535
Prospect 125
Deer Isle 657
Lamoine 420
Gouldsboro 415
Penobscot 234
Ellsworth 1681
Eddington 349
Bradley 222
Tremont 482

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Clarksville Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Verona Island 12
Milford 101
Clifton 43
Hampden 32
Glenburn 105
Hancock 131
Prospect 23
Deer Isle 281
Lamoine 70
Gouldsboro 123
Penobscot 151
Ellsworth 732
Eddington 60
Bradley 65
Tremont 174

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Clarksville Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Clifton 9
Hampden 217
Glenburn 48
Hancock 37
Prospect 10
Deer Isle 143
Lamoine 29
Gouldsboro 47
Penobscot 32
Ellsworth 81
Eddington 35
Bradley 48
Tremont 29

Number of blacks in places near by Clarksville Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Milford 31
Clifton 8
Hampden 55
Glenburn 42
Ellsworth 72
Tremont 4