Chesterville, ME Car Insurance Valued Organizations
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Susan Terhune
State Farm
About : Stop by and say "hi"! We are always having fun!!
151 Main St, Farmington, ME 04938-1924
Phone: 207-778-0044
Fax: 207-778-9893
Distance: 9.4 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Year 2 for the Greene Farm! So exciting to dig in the dirt.
Sally. 1966 Ford F100. Pretty girl.
Job Fair for veterans and the general public also welcome Thursday, May 9, from 9 am to noon at Wilton CareerCenter 865 US Route 2E, Wilton. Meet with the following businesses: Care and Comfort, At Work, Maine Wood Concepts, Maine Staffing, BarkleyCard, Assistance Plus, Bonney Staffing, ARMY RECRUITING, MAS Home Care, Jarden\u2019s Plastic Solutions, Carbonite, Walmart (Farmington, Skowhegan, and Mexico), Department of Transportation and T- Mobile.