Statistics & Research about Damariscotta,ME - Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Here are some statistics & research about Damariscotta,ME an area served by Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Phone : 207-563-3143

Real estate research for area nearby Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
China 158,700 680 5.1
Waldoboro 142,300 886 7.5
Chelsea 136,500 1007 8.9
Thomaston 175,700 717 4.9
Lisbon Falls 137,000 743 6.5
Rockland 168,700 724 5.1
Cushing 184,100 825 5.4
Union 192,600 757 4.7
Bowdoin 180,700 1048 7.0
Newcastle 277,500 793 3.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
China 716
Waldoboro 870
Chelsea 338
Thomaston 356
Lisbon Falls 481
Rockland 1173
Cushing 230
Union 321
Bowdoin 268
Newcastle 239
South Bristol 148
Jefferson 420
Georgetown 258
Dresden 316
Bristol 787

Number of old houses in places near by Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Place name Number of old houses
China 205400
Waldoboro 183800
Chelsea 161800
Thomaston 197900
Lisbon Falls 114400
Rockland 176600
Cushing 191300
Union 256900
Bowdoin 197900
Newcastle 313300
South Bristol 277400
Jefferson 228800
Georgetown 282900
Dresden 211600
Bristol 279800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
China 947
Waldoboro 988
Chelsea 568
Thomaston 564
Lisbon Falls 837
Rockland 1505
Cushing 391
Union 544
Bowdoin 669
Newcastle 407
South Bristol 397
Jefferson 687
Georgetown 468
Dresden 418
Bristol 1114

Number of blacks in places near by Chapman & Chapman Ins Of Damariscotta

Place name Number of blacks
China 18
Waldoboro 3
Chelsea 19
Thomaston 49
Lisbon Falls 17
Rockland 96
Bowdoin 23
Newcastle 5
Georgetown 8
Bristol 17