Statistics & Research about Skowhegan,ME - Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Skowhegan,ME an area served by Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : (207) 474-3377

Car dealers nearby Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Cold Brook Saab

337 Madison Avenue Skowhegan, Maine 04976
Phone: (800) 564-9881

Real estate research for area nearby Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Plymouth 103,400 920 10.7
Belgrade 195,000 810 5.0
Pittsfield 106,000 723 8.2
Benton 121,700 699 6.9
Kennebec County 152,200 672 5.3
Waterville 115,000 621 6.5
Burnham 107,900 963 10.7
Knox 134,100 1038 9.3
Stetson 123,600 810 7.9
Central Somerset 109200 NA NA

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Plymouth 49
Belgrade 163
Pittsfield 148
Benton 55
Kennebec County 7461
Waterville 1649
Burnham 68
Knox 32
Stetson 25
Central Somerset 62
Clinton 126
Athens 53
Skowhegan 460
Hartland 164
Sidney 151

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Plymouth 107500
Belgrade 183500
Pittsfield 69400
Benton 151100
Kennebec County 162500
Waterville 142400
Burnham 111300
Knox 107800
Stetson 160000
Central Somerset 187500
Clinton 152800
Athens 68300
Skowhegan 107500
Hartland 84000
Sidney 186100

Number of vacant houses in places near by Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Plymouth 99
Belgrade 888
Pittsfield 200
Benton 20
Kennebec County 9680
Waterville 854
Burnham 270
Knox 109
Stetson 146
Central Somerset 190
Clinton 143
Athens 127
Skowhegan 568
Hartland 513
Sidney 278

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Campbell Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Plymouth 93600
Belgrade 187200
Pittsfield 158100
Benton 135300
Kennebec County 172300
Waterville 202000
Burnham 86700
Knox 114000
Stetson 103700
Clinton 94600
Athens 83200
Skowhegan 175400
Hartland 86900
Sidney 226100