Statistics & Research about Derry,NH - Brownell Ins Center Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Derry,NH an area served by Brownell Ins Center Inc

Phone : 603-437-1992

Car dealers nearby Brownell Ins Center Inc

Kanes Auto Sales

Phone: 603-425-6315

Real estate research for area nearby Brownell Ins Center Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Suncook 201,500 775 4.6
Ayer 297,400 980 4.0
Raymond 207,100 1112 6.4
Dover 242,900 943 4.7
Acton 481,200 1159 2.9
Lawrence 230,400 980 5.1
Tyngsborough 359,100 1008 3.4
Fremont 251,200 1661 7.9
Mason 285,700 1292 5.4
Stratham 390,000 1350 4.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brownell Ins Center Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Suncook 815
Ayer 1341
Raymond 1491
Dover 4326
Acton 1794
Lawrence 8552
Tyngsborough 1075
Fremont 400
Mason 135
Stratham 752
North Reading 1057
Townsend 657
Merrimack 2761
Georgetown 653
Bedford 1200

Number of old houses in places near by Brownell Ins Center Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Suncook 194900
Ayer 320300
Raymond 219100
Dover 239600
Acton 487700
Lawrence 224300
Tyngsborough 293500
Fremont 247600
Mason 234200
Stratham 384200
North Reading 393600
Townsend 261300
Merrimack 292600
Georgetown 352400
Bedford 507100

Number of vacant houses in places near by Brownell Ins Center Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Suncook 234
Ayer 386
Raymond 267
Dover 740
Acton 260
Lawrence 1813
Tyngsborough 137
Fremont 73
Mason 63
Stratham 90
North Reading 314
Townsend 172
Merrimack 376
Georgetown 114
Bedford 262

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Brownell Ins Center Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Suncook 195
Ayer 400
Raymond 373
Dover 1695
Acton 2847
Lawrence 2538
Tyngsborough 866
Fremont 267
Mason 86
Stratham 722
North Reading 1601
Townsend 610
Merrimack 2103
Georgetown 787
Bedford 1302