Statistics & Research about Peterborough,NH - Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Peterborough,NH an area served by Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Phone : (603) 924-7155

Car dealers nearby Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Valley Automotive

Phone: 603-924-3358

Real estate research for area nearby Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fitzwilliam 192,000 963 6.0
Hudson 267,300 1219 5.5
Shirley 283,900 1174 5.0
Bennington 181,500 967 6.4
Hinsdale 142,000 817 6.9
Harrisville 258,800 883 4.1
Fitchburg 203,000 847 5.0
Cheshire County 199,200 936 5.6
Templeton 222,400 961 5.2
Surry 234,000 1107 5.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Fitzwilliam 367
Hudson 2507
Shirley 676
Bennington 224
Hinsdale 529
Harrisville 327
Fitchburg 5393
Cheshire County 10589
Templeton 796
Surry 93
Orange 1165
Weare 854
Wilton 417
East Merrimack 1114
Hopkinton 514

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Fitzwilliam 75
Hudson 308
Shirley 66
Bennington 17
Hinsdale 60
Harrisville 35
Fitchburg 553
Cheshire County 1441
Templeton 125
Surry 21
Orange 151
Weare 110
Wilton 78
East Merrimack 16
Hopkinton 188

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Fitzwilliam 543
Hudson 4116
Shirley 910
Bennington 253
Hinsdale 753
Harrisville 208
Fitchburg 6536
Cheshire County 13497
Templeton 1518
Surry 192
Orange 1123
Weare 2000
Wilton 606
East Merrimack 498
Hopkinton 951

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Fitzwilliam 176600
Hudson 298400
Shirley 359100
Bennington 203600
Hinsdale 111700
Harrisville 259100
Fitchburg 235100
Cheshire County 237500
Templeton 227500
Surry 221300
Orange 168800
Weare 254500
Wilton 256400
East Merrimack 294200
Hopkinton 355200