Statistics & Research about Thomaston,ME - Allen Insurance And Financial

Here are some statistics & research about Thomaston,ME an area served by Allen Insurance And Financial

Phone : 207-354-1311

Real estate research for area nearby Allen Insurance And Financial

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Washington 158,900 792 6.0
Hope 211,400 883 5.0
Northport 189,000 865 5.5
Stonington 194,600 702 4.3
Brooksville 262,500 983 4.5
Dresden 174,500 720 5.0
Westport Island 237,000 933 4.7
Nobleboro 239,600 844 4.2
Wiscasset 174,900 818 5.6
Union 192,600 757 4.7

Number of whites in places near by Allen Insurance And Financial

Place name Number of whites
Washington 1385
Hope 1578
Northport 1414
Stonington 1175
Brooksville 973
Dresden 1694
Westport Island 741
Nobleboro 1628
Wiscasset 3409
Union 2061
South Bristol 964
North Haven 442
Lincoln County 33637
Cushing 1318

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Allen Insurance And Financial

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Washington 99
Hope 96
Northport 103
Stonington 154
Brooksville 33
Dresden 58
Westport Island 49
Nobleboro 70
Wiscasset 194
Union 68
South Bristol 68
North Haven 58
Lincoln County 1713
Cushing 54
Louds Island 7

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Allen Insurance And Financial

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Washington 168800
Hope 212500
Northport 80800
Stonington 185900
Brooksville 785700
Dresden 121400
Westport Island 216700
Nobleboro 128100
Wiscasset 158800
Union 235700
South Bristol 278100
North Haven 450000
Lincoln County 209600
Cushing 1000001

Number of blacks in places near by Allen Insurance And Financial

Place name Number of blacks
Washington 18
Westport Island 3
Nobleboro 5
North Haven 2
Lincoln County 75